How to evaluate used trucks ?_环球信息
时间:2024-04-13 22:23:53

On November 10th, as the annual meeting of China's automobile dealership industry was held in Zhuhai, Guangdong, the Commercial Vehicle Chamber of Commerce held a forum meeting on the development of the commercial vehicle dealership industry during the annual meeting. Chamber members and the commercial vehicle industry elites from various industries exchanged ideas They expressed their opinions and discussed the future development of commercial vehicle dealers. During the meeting, the Automobile Dealers Association also issued the "Technical Specifications for the Appraisal and Evaluation of Used Commercial Vehicles". It is worth noting that Truck Home participated in the drafting of this standard.


According to the industry report by Director Li of the Manufacturing Information Division of the National Information Center, after two consecutive years of decline in commercial vehicle sales, there was a slight year-on-year growth in January-September this year, especially for medium and heavy trucks. From an economic perspective, the domestic infrastructure, real estate, and bulk goods industries have performed steadily, which supports the demand for medium and heavy trucks to a certain extent. In addition, competition in the logistics industry has intensified. In particular, the market demand for high-horsepower tractors has increased.

However, Director Li believes that the overall support of the macro economy for commercial vehicles is still weakening, and the year-on-year growth is expected to be only 0.3% year-on-year, slightly better than the previous year. Under such an environment, commercial vehicle dealers are undergoing tests. How to change the current business model is what they need to think and implement

In this regard, Chairman Zhao of the Commercial Vehicle Chamber of Commerce talked about his opinion: The transformation of dealers in the future is inevitable. At present, the current status of dealers' business is centered on brand management (building brand 4S stores), but Chairman Zhao believes that in the future, dealers should build franchise stores based on customer needs and product management as the core. This can be understood as a dealer should sell models of different brands at the same time, and only conduct shopping guides based on the total weight of the vehicle or the size of the cargo compartment, in order to meet the fixed needs of the same type of customers.

The gross profit of new truck sales is getting lower and lower. If dealers only use car sales as their main profit method, it will be quite a loss. Mr. Zhong Weiping, secretary general of the Commercial Vehicle Chamber of Commerce, brought an interpretation of the business model of American dealer RUSH, and used actual cases and data to guide dealers in some project directions, such as accessories and services. Another important data cannot be ignored. In the past two years, RUSH's sales of second-hand trucks in the United States accounted for nearly 8% of its total truck sales. For most domestic dealers, second-hand trucks have never been deeply involved.

The sales of second-hand trucks failed to form a system in China, one of the reasons is that the quality assessment of second-hand trucks failed to form a unified standard. At the end of the meeting, the "Technical Specifications for the Appraisal and Evaluation of Used Commercial Vehicles" (medium and heavy-duty truck versions) was officially released by the China Automobile Dealers Association. A number of second-hand truck inspection and appraisal projects are listed in the "Specifications", setting standards for the industry for the first time. As one of the drafting units of the standard, Truck House will interpret the content in detail for everyone in the near future.


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